Tuesday, January 5, 2010

What makes me wonder...

If I were to choose a natural occurrence that makes me wonder from time to time, it would have to be the evolution of man.

Having been raised a Catholic, I was taught the creation story from an early age. As I grew older and began to develop my own beliefs and thoughts, the notion of evolution bedazzled me. The idea that humans today have gone through numerous physical appearances is insane to me. Considering the fact that humans have been around for 200,000 thousand years (which also seems like an incredibly long time - though hardly much at all when compared to how long Earth has been a planet), I find it intriguing that humans once resembled primates.

My biggest question is regarding intelligence: why are humans the only species on Earth to have developed a comprehensive language system and make technological advances. By saying that I don't intend to put-down other species, but it seems as though through evolution, Humans have become the dominant species - why? What in our natural development gave way for intelligence to be much more dominant in humans than in any other type of species?

It's nice to wonder things such as these - when people wonder, advances are made.

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